18 April 2011

Where There's Smoke...

If anyone happens to see billowing clouds of grey smoke rising from our house-rest assured, I am not trying to signal anyone, neither am I preparing an unusual type of main course for dinner. It all started innocently enough really. In the midst of my mid-afternoon repose, which includes but is not limited to: supervising 2-3 potty breaks..cleaning up a broken dish..unloading and loading the dishwasher at least once..whipping up banana bread while holding a small boy with a face covered in marker streaks..cleaning up aforementioned marker streaks from television screen,carpet and in between tiny white teeth..attempting to decide between Amazing Action Superman and Marvelous Might Superman for a birthday gift order..figuring out how breadcrumbs, several leftover boxes of pasta and a few eggs can constitute a decent supper...and changing a ridiculously messy diaper..I attempted to make old fashioned popcorn.

Instead of creating kernels the blessed machine began to construct an elaborate, black and sticky mass which grew menacingly out of its middle, spilled over the sides and billowed smoke thick enough to coat the neighborhood. All of our smoke alarms are in working order as they sounded the charge for what felt like hours whilst I put my efforts into calming distraught children and cleaning up the goop. That done it's on to rinsing sand out of Will's throat, answering Adam's questions about a lost random toy that I don't even remember and helping Natalie find an unusually small and well hidden beetle...Ah sweet rest..

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