27 November 2008

Misgivings and Thanksgiving

Lately we have experienced a myriad of disappointments, small and large. Things we have planned and worked so hard for have crumbled in our hands. Surprises we carefully engineered have seemed to self destruct and we are left looking at the pieces. So much transition, so much we haven't expected.At night lying in bed I have wrestled with the losses and worried over the changes. Hard to adjust to something other than what was planned. Strains of an old song from White Christmas entered my mind, "When you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sleep and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings."

We decided to echo that sentiment in our Thanksgiving banner for this year. Here is our thankful list in random order:

1. Strength of family-
No matter what we've faced this year, upcoming deployments, months of separation, dealing with growth and change and new life we have gained a greater sense of who we are as a family.

2. Loved Ones-
The past few years have been turbulent. In our struggle to grow and gain independence and figure things out we have often hurt those we love the most. This year we have realized anew how much we have to be grateful for, parents that have been examples of commitment and have given us so much.

3. A bright hope-

More than anything else we have learned that our only constant is our Creator. The One who fashioned us out of this earth loves us more than anyone else ever could. His dreams for us are bigger than those in our hearts and minds.

4. A challenge before us-

This military life is often grueling and rigorous, not only for Tim in training but also for us on the homefront. We have learned to embrace the more difficult path, that often the joy found there is so much sweeter, that much richer for the struggle. How much more we appreciate simple days together because we know what it's like to be apart.

5. A peace to carry us through-

When the busy day is done and we lay our heads large and small on our pillows to rest we can relax in the peace that is greater than the sum of our mistakes and deeper than our desire to achieve more. Peace He has left with us and it will carry us through all the hills and valleys that lie ahead of us.

Happy Thanksgiving.

14 November 2008


Ah, what a long time it has been since I've posted. I have been trying every which way I could imagine to get my camera to upload pictures to no avail! Today I determined to sit here as long as possible and make it work! The joy of persistence.

We have had a whirlwind two weeks. Halloween and all that comes with it. A weekend trip to ride on the Polar Express. And now settling into a busy holiday season. Tim heading to Sapper school (which I'll explain in a later post).
Most important news of all, on All Saints Day during our bedtime prayers and stories Natalie asked Jesus to come live in her heart! What new meaning it has taken on for me. So much more than saying the words or checking the box, she is exuberant that now her favorite friend goes everywhere with her. She often peeks into her shirt and talks as though into her heart: "Come out of there you silly old Jesus, I want to see you!"

And Adam has begun a (lifelong I'm sure) romance with cars. Except he cannot pronounce c's so they are "tars". He squeals excitedly whenever we see one, sleeps with them clutched in a fist and loves to clamber around in Daddy's car. He sniffs them ( a particular habit of his we don't quite understand), kisses them and sometimes gives them a surreptitious lick. This boy knows how to enjoy life!
And me? I am enjoying every minute of our little circus here. Never a dull moment is an understatement. Most importantly I am learning to stay open and pile the patience on Natalie and Adam as well as myself. Life can be challenging whether you're only as tall as the sofa or approaching 30. He gives more grace, so why can't I?