24 April 2011

A different kind of Easter

Somehow this Easter was different. There was the usual last minute scramble to locate wayward stockings, a missing shoe..a lost bow. The uproarious and giggly Easter egg hunt and haggling over splitting the spoils.. The inevitable fights over a toy..tears..pleas..an ensuing chase..a finally out of commission flat iron and the resignation to yet another chignon. A dress I hadn't worn since last summer and planned would work perfectly this Easter ended up being a few inches too short to be proper. A quick iron of a shirt that stubbornly held onto its wrinkles..a quick batch of bread dough to stir up while toting a whiny little man on my hip...And at last that at once exhausting and exhilarating final exhale at the end of it all..we're finally ready.

But through it all there was a new sense of joy in this day..celebration for the big moment..the big God that had triumphed over it all. As we scrunched on the couch for a few last minute pictures I found I was able to breathe easy. Relax. Who cares if a few hairs were out of place or we didn't have matching Easter garb or tiny people decided to wrestle in the church pew?Nothing could shake the beauty of the sun shining through the stained glass windows, the hush of quiet prayers before song..the smiles of wonder on small faces as they glimpsed the cross in front of them, pointing excitedly...I could do no more than just sit back and revel in it all. All of it...everything sweet and poignant and so full of glee came because of this one special day...the day the Rescue was complete...


Deanna @ oneagleswings said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful Easter! I just can't believe how big your littlest guy has gotten! It really made me smile to see how much your two sons look alike. They definitely favor you, while Natalie looks just like her dad. :)

Blessings to you!

Mel said...

Happy Easter !!!