16 March 2009

Three Little Hearts

We're adding another little heart to our home. Cannot wait to find out all the details this week.
Another precocious, curly haired little Behnke baby...

04 March 2009

Sappers Lead the Way

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

-Dr. Seuss

Hooray!!! Tim graduated Sapper school with honors (top 5 % of his class). I will brag for him because he's more reticent about his awesomeness. And in a random blessing he was granted a few days pass before heading out to CA.

How strange it has been not to share the details of the day with him, have him encourage me when I feel I'm failing, laugh with me over some hilarious new thing Natalie or Adam are doing or saying, or just sit in that comfortable warm silence, glad that the other one is there, listening.

Each day that has gone by I have marveled at his strength and fortitude to push through such a demanding school.

Considered the most elite combat engineer soldiers in the United States Army[ a sapper/combat engineer may perform any of a variety of combat engineering duties.To wear the Sapper Tab, a Soldier must complete the Sapper Leader Course which is operated by the U.S. Army Engineer School at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. The Sapper Leader Course is a 28-day course designed to train joint-service leaders in small unit tactics, leadership skills, and tactics required to perform as part of a combined arms team.

Phase I lasts 14 days and covers general subjects including medical, navigation, demolitions, air and water operations, mountaineering, and landmines and weapons used by enemy forces.

Phase II is the remaining 14 days. It covers basic patrolling techniques and battle drills that emphasize leadership. The subjects include urban operations, breaching, patrol organization and movement, and reconnaissance, raid and ambush tactics. It concludes with a three-day situation training exercise, and five-day field training exercise. These missions are a 60/40 mix of engineer and infantry missions.
Leadership is emphasized throughout the SLC. During the course leader roles are rotated regularly and each student is evaluated at least twice on leadership. The results of the Sapper Leader Course are soldiers who are better-trained combat engineers.

In plain terms this was a school that totally kicked your butt all the way through. Straining to every fibre of your muscles, your mind and every last inch of your stamina. Only the strong survive. And even greater than the satisfaction of watching himself be tried and succeed has been the opportunity to share Christ with all the men laboring around him. It's one thing to stand outside and preach and another to get right in the middle of things and preach with your life. Tim has blown me away with the way his life speaks of God. How grateful I am to be married to a man who can be both strong and gentle. What a blessing I've been given.

Tim, we are so proud of you! Hooah!

03 March 2009

Chocwat Milk!

Adam's new favorite drink.