13 September 2010


We are fresh back from a dizzying weekend in Charleston, SC. We stayed in a posh Marriott with a view of the Citadel and a comfy but smallish room. We were pretty much in the middle of the city and what with Will needing his twice daily naps we ended up spending most of the mornings in the hotel. While Tim was in and out teaching a single soldier conference we busied ourselves with spinning in the desk chair, playing I Spy out the huge window, creating maps for our visit to the aquarium, hopping from bed to bed, pile on Mom, tents and piggyback rides and songs and stories. Then our afternoons consisted of trips to the nearby aquarium (don't bother to visit-that's another story entirely) and the park and pierand we couldn't leave out the beloved McDonald's for sundaes.. So much fun, so little chance for solitude, I must confess I had a MAJOR headache to end it all but it was a blast...Next weekend we hit Charlotte...

1 comment:

Mel said...

You brave, brave girl!!!
Much grace for the next trip.