25 August 2009


So we have been desperately missing our Daddy lately. How thankful I am that it's been working itself out in positive ways. Today Natalie and Adam found one of Daddy's old berets and took turns marching around wearing it and talking in a "deep voice" just like Daddy. They even wanted me to take turns calling them Daddy. They were giggling and running around excitedly and I breathed a prayer of thanks for the optimistic upbeat spirit in our home. As long as they're okay, I'm golden...

A Bed for God

So tonight in our bedtime stories we read about God having a home in heaven and also one here with us. Ever the little caretaker, Natalie excitedly added to the idea with the need to make a bed for Him. She gathered doll blankets and pillows and found little boxes and made one bed for God and another for Jesus. Later while passing by her room I heard her saying, "Okay God so this one is for you, the other one is not for you, it's for Jesus, okay?" And the conversation continued. Can childhood be any sweeter...?

17 August 2009

Green Pepper Jesus

Playing with your food has taken on a whole new meaning in our home. Today at lunch Natalie was inspired by her green pepper strips and carrot sticks to make a diorama of the crucifixion.
"See Mom, here's Jesus (indicating pepper strip) on the cross and these (carrot sticks) are his hands and this is his blood (veggie dip). And these are God's arms covering everyone up."
Adam got in on the action himself, even leaning over to kiss the Jesus
pepper to help him "feel better".
Somehow I don't think I'll ever look at a veggie tray quite the same way.

13 August 2009

Little Men

The other night while reading bedtime stories to Adam he leaned in to rest his head on my belly. He suddenly sat up and pointed at it, "Mommy, you have all the men in there. When I see them I will put sprinkles on them and I will eat them!"

After a little more conversation and remembrances of something he had watched earlier I realized he somehow believes I am carrying an entire army of gingerbread men just waiting for him to frost and eat! What a delicious delirium to be two!

11 August 2009

How Long?

How long does it take to make a pot of coffee? Well in our household on this particular morning it took exactly an hour and a half.

First the anticipation of a steaming cup and a lingering gaze at the empty pot. Interruption... a small bum needs to be wiped and our couch rescued from a bombardment of mini muffins being catapulted and smashed over its entirety. Wipe bum, wipe couch.

Head to cupboard to pull out filter. Interruption...fighting in the back 40, our hallway now a wrestling ring. Break up fight.

Back to kitchen, take carafe to give extra rinse before brewing. Barely unscrew cap. Interruption... must view large collection of plastic animals arranged all across tabletops and dressers and give appropriate exclamations of surprise and amazement. Ooh and Aah appropriately.

Head to kitchen once more, this time manage to put filter in and start measuring coffee. Interruption...small boy has lodged plastic dolphin down sink and subsequently spilled water all over the bathroom floor. Rescue dolphin. Soak up water. Comfort distraught boy.

Carafe now is filled with water, water poured into coffeemaker, ah now the coffee is brewing.

Here's hoping I have time to cream it before it gets cold in the pot or worse yet I forget about it altogether...